Install the following packages
apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.0 apt-get install php php-pgsql php-curl php-pear apt-get install postgresql postgresql-plpython python-psycopg2 apt-get install mailutils pear install PEAR pear install MDB2-2.5.0b5 pear install MDB2_Driver_pgsql-1.5.0b4 wget https://github.com/apereo/phpCAS/archive/1.3.6.tar.gz apt-get install gettext
Change this value in /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini
session.gc_maxlifetime = 48480
If you want French language to work you'll have to install the locales
locale-gen fr_FR locale-gen fr_FR.UTF-8 update-locale dpkg-reconfigure locales
Install Timesheets
tar xzvf 1.3.6.tar.gz mv phpCAS-1.3.6/ /var/www/timesheets/ vi /var/www/timesheets/header.php
Add or edit the following line:
Take a postgresql schema dump from an existing timesheets DB like this
su postgres pg_dump -s database_name > timesheets-dump.sql exit
And copy it to the server you want to install timesheets.
In postgresql create the database, the users, and load the dump you took earlier
su postgres psql CREATE USER timesheetadministrator WITH PASSWORD 'password'; CREATE USER timesheetwebentry WITH PASSWORD 'password'; CREATE DATABASE timesheetsystem OWNER timesheetadministrator; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE timesheetsystem to timesheetwebentry; \q psql -d timesheetsystem < timesheets-dump.sql exit
Copy the application source to /var/www/html.
Change values in /var/www/html/config.php for passwords, CAS link and email addresses to fit your needs.
if you want to change the logo you can do it in file /var/www/html/timesheets.css around line 17. You can also change the browser tab logo and the footer organization name and link in file /var/www/html/classes/Template.php around lines 128 and 80.
Add users
To add a new user you first have to add it to the backend that CAS is using for authenticating (probably samba/LDAP) and then add it to the database timesheetsystem, table tbl_staff_lookup
su postgres psql timesheetsystem INSERT INTO tbl_staff_lookup(refid, fname, lname, linemanager, username, email, employed, minhours, variable, cost_centre, location) VALUES ('id', 'first-name', 'last-name', manager-id, 'user.name', 'email@example.com', true, 8.0, true, 'IS', 'Iasi'); \q exit